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Michael & Brianna

We are so excited to begin this journey and grow our family through adoption! We understand that this is the biggest blessing you could give to our family. This has been a dream of ours for a long time now. We want to thank you for reading this and hope it gives you comfort as you see a little more into our lives.

About Us

Childcare Provider
High School
High School
Ella, Parker, Bode, Lennon
Legally Married

Why We Chose Adoption

Our Family

We have four beautiful children. Choosing to adopt after having four children has always been our hope. Adoption has been a huge blessing to Brianna's family when her aunt adopted from Korea. It is something we have discussed when deciding to have children. We believe it would be such a wonderful thing for our children to know that a child doesn't have to come directly from us or look like us to be a part of our family. We have both always wanted a big family and are so excited to go through this journey.

Brianna has one child from a previous relationship named Ella. We were married when Ella was 5 years old. Michael has always been such a great dad to her. Ella is 17-years-old now and so busy with sports and friends. She is a wonderful big sister.

Our second child is Parker, who is 8-years-old. He is very sensitive and sweet.

Our third child is Bode and is 7-years-old. He is our wild man. He is very adventurous and loves to find trouble!

Our fourth child is Lennon, she is 5-years-old and loves to dance and sing. She is so caring and loves playing with her baby dolls. Our children are all so unique and amazing in their own little ways. They are our world and we can't wait to grow our family through adoption to add to it!

Our Leisure Time

Lake Fun

Michael enjoys many outdoor activities! He enjoys hunting with his uncle and cousins. He also enjoys fishing on the Mississippi river. Each year he takes a salmon fishing trip up north with his uncle and a few cousins. He looks forward to sharing this tradition with his children one day. Another passion of Michael's is cars. He plans to one day rebuild a car with his boys. One of Michael's hobbies is woodwork. He has built a lot of beautiful furniture pieces in our home. Michael is also a big football fan. He looks forward to sharing this passion with his kids too! Sundays during football season are spent with friends and family cheering on our favorite team!

Brianna enjoys many activities as well. She loves hiking on the beautiful bluffs around our area. One of Brianna's favorite relaxing things to do is going to the river and sitting on her parents houseboat. We visit for hours and watch the beautiful sunset on the river. It's one of the most peaceful things she enjoys doing. Her favorite place to vacation is anywhere near a beautiful ocean. She could relax on the beach all day. Brianna also follows many animal rights groups on social media and donates to an elephant sanctuary that has a special place in her heart.

Cultural Diversity

Ryah & Lennon

When addressing cultural diversity we will try to be as open as we can with the child and make them feel comfortable about talking and discussing it. We understand that he or she may have different needs that we will need to recognize such as hair. We will always make sure the child knows that he or she is beautiful and loved. Brianna's sister and fiancé are a multiracial family and have our niece Ryah together. This child would grow up around many of our friends and family who come from all different races and backgrounds. We would try and create our home to feel accepting and very loving. The toys, books and movies would always be culturally diverse so he or she would feel comfortable. Most importantly we want this child to know that he or she is absolutely beautiful and loved by our family.


Fun in the Sun
Fun in the Sun
Turkey Trot With Family
Turkey Trot With Family
Sunset in Florida With Brianna's Best Friends
Sunset in Florida With Brianna's Best Friends
Brianna & Her Scooter
Brianna & Her Scooter
Beach Day
Beach Day
Day Trip
Day Trip
Summer Fun
Summer Fun
Fun With Family
Fun With Family
A Day at the Park
A Day at the Park
1 / 12
2 / 12
Fun in the Sun
Fun in the Sun
3 / 12
Turkey Trot With Family
Turkey Trot With Family
4 / 12
Sunset in Florida With Brianna's Best Friends
Sunset in Florida With Brianna's Best Friends
5 / 12
Brianna & Her Scooter
Brianna & Her Scooter
6 / 12
7 / 12
Beach Day
Beach Day
8 / 12
Day Trip
Day Trip
9 / 12
Summer Fun
Summer Fun
10 / 12
11 / 12
Fun With Family
Fun With Family
12 / 12
A Day at the Park
A Day at the Park

Our Extended Families

Brianna's Family

Brianna's parents, Tim and Jane (or Nana and Papa), live about 15 minutes away from our home. They live in a small town right on the Mississippi River and they also have a big house boat that we love spending time on. Brianna has two sisters—Tera, who lives about 15 minutes away with her daughter Savannah, and Brittani, who lives a couple hours away with her fiancé Gene and their daughter Ryah. We are all very close and spend a lot of time together, including all holidays and vacations.

Michael's Family

Michael's mom, Sonja (or Grandma Sonja), lives in the same city as we do with her fiancé Will. We get together for holidays and play games at our house about once a month. Michael also has two sisters—Leslie is married to Peter and they have two girls named Emme and Vivian. Nichole is married to Craig and they have two boys named William and Anthony. They all live in the same city as us also. We like to get together with everyone for campfires and to grill lots of delicious food.

Both of our families are so supportive and excited for us to begin this journey. Brianna's aunt Julie also adopted many years ago from South Korea so adoption is an exciting thing that our family is familiar with. We all see it as such a huge blessing and cannot wait start our own adoption story. This child would be welcomed with so much love!

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a small city in Minnesota. We live in such a beautiful neighborhood on a cul-de-sac.

Our home is four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Brianna is an in-home child care provider so the entire basement is set up for that, including a playhouse and too many toys to list! We also have a huge backyard with a big fenced-in playground and we also have a field right behind us. We recently purchased land and enjoy spending our time out there. The kids love flying kites, riding their go karts, walking through the woods and having campfires there.

Backyard Playground

We are located about seven blocks from the private school that our children attend. There are three parks located very close to us and a brand new city swimming pool. Our neighbors have become some of our closest friends and our kids all play together.

The city always celebrates holidays. There is a big Christmas parade every year and lots of fun community events such as a hot air balloon rally that is amazing to see.

Our community is very close and always willing to help each other out, that is one of the reasons we love raising a family here.

From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little bit about our family and see a glimpse into our lives. We know this is a difficult and confusing time for you while you are trying to figure out the best option for you and your family. We hope that you are feeling supported and loved through this time. We know considering adoption means you love your child very much and are trying to find the best life for him or her. We understand that life doesn't always go as planned and along the way we may have to make some hard decisions. We admire your bravery and strength through this. We pray that you find a little more peace and comfort in learning more about us.

We have been married 11 years now and together for over 10. We are very happy and look forward to sharing our lives as we grow our family. We have four children, Ella, Parker, Bode and Lennon. We also have two dogs, a Beagle named Jasper and a Great Dane named Norman. We are a very active family who is always on the go. We spend as much time outside as we possibly can. Some things we enjoy doing are playing basketball in the driveway, the kids riding their trikes, playing on their playground in the back yard, fishing on Nana and Papa's boat and going sledding in the winter.

Michael is a truck driver for a great company. He is home every night by suppertime and helps get the children tucked into bed. The kids love Michael to do their bedtime stories because he does all the funny voices as he's reading.

Brianna works from home as a child care provider. This is her dream job and she couldn't be happier. She gets to stay home with her children and also gets to care for other people's children. Brianna is the one our kids run to for comfort and cuddles. Patience is her best quality.

Our families couldn't be happier for us about starting this adoption journey. They all live very close to us and have always been a great support system for us and our children. We really are very lucky and blessed to have family who will do anything to help us out. Family is considered one of our top priorities and we try to be there for them in return.

We are beyond excited for the future and to see where this journey brings us. We would definitely be open to sharing your child's experiences and growth through pictures and emails if that is what you wish. We will make sure to be completely open and honest about the adoption and will let your child know how deeply you loved them to make this difficult decision. We will always and forever hold you in a positive light.

We would like to thank you very much for considering us as potential parents for your child. We have been so excited to grow our family and will provide this child with love, comfort and support throughout his or her life. We know that you have a very difficult decision to make and want you to know that you will be in our thoughts.

With love and much respect,

Michael & Brianna


Adam Sandler
Kevin Hart
Drew Barrymore
Melissa McCarthy
Stephen King
Beverly Lewis
Harry Potter
Pay it forward
Candy Bar
Bugs bunny
Looney Tunes
Childhood Memory
Fishing with my grandpa
Camping with my family
Childhood Toy
My baby, I took it everywhere
Children's Book
The Monster at the End of This Book
Goodnight Moon
New York
Classic Movie
Over the top
Day of Week
Apple pie
Disney Movie
Pirates of the Caribbean
Dream Car
1969 Dodge Charger
Doesn't really matter to me
Dream Job
Business owner
I'm doing it, childcare provider
Dream Vacation
Bora Bora
Family Activity
Flower / Plant
Form of Exercise
Pinterest projects
Holiday Song
Transiberrian Orchestra Christmas Cannon
White Christmas
Holiday Tradition
Family Christmas Dinner
Decorating the tree all together as a family
Ice Cream
Chocolate Twirl
Mint chocolate chip
Junk Food
Cheese curds
Leisure Activity
Outdoor Life
Sam's club
Memory with a Child
First power wheel my boy got
Watching them learn to walk
Memory with Spouse
Our wedding
Our wedding
Step Brothers
Movie Munchie
Ice Cream
Movie Quote
Your killin me smalls
You had me at hello
Movie Type
Musical Group
Kenny Chesney
Nursery Rhyme
Humpty Dumpty
My own two hands
Olympic Event
Winter Events
Personal Hero
My Grandpa
Diane Fossey
Quality about my Spouse
Supportive, Compassionate, Caring, Beautiful, Dependable, Determined, Strong and to many others to list
So caring
Be better than you were yesterday
Let it be
Texas Roadhouse
Outback steakhouse even though I'm vegetarian, I love the mac n cheese
Subway Sandwiches
Walnut burger
Shopping Store
Hobby Lobby
Get Along, Kenny Chesney
Anything by the Beatles
Sport to Play
Football, Softball
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Michael Jordan
Sports Team
Minnesota Vikings
Subject in School
Woods Class
Thing to Cook
Anything on the grill (Burgers)
Time of Day
Family time
Family time on Saturday
TV Show
Game of Thrones
TV Show Character
Parker Schnabel
Type of Music
Classic Rock
Vacation Spot
Montana, Colorado
Video Game
Little Big Planet

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*Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.